Workplace Health and Safety

Why do we need workplace health and safety?

This information is helpful for:

·        Meeting regulatory requirements
·        Compliance
·        Healthy food preparation
·       Access to up to date information

Duty of Care
A comprehensive multi page fact sheet about Duty of Care, from Safety Advice, the leading online provider of safety management solutions.

Interactive Café
The Hazards of Hospitality, this site, also produced by the Queensland Government, this interactive café highlights the workplace hazards and risks associated with working in the hospitality industry.

Organising Health and Safety Training for your Workplace

The on-line version of a booklet which aims to provide information to ensure that you get good value from the money you spend on health and safety training in your workplace.
Training Resource Kit
This booklet, produced by the Queensland Government, provides a brief coverage of broad aspects of occupational health and safety. Written by members of Adelaide TAFE and WorkCover South Australia.

Image retrieved from:

Voisin, S. & Fatfree Vegan Recipes. (2005).Retrieved April 15, 2009, from