Who is the report for?

The report is to be directed to the P&C. Generally, at least one report should be completed each month.However, you will need to check with your school's P&C President what the report should underpin and the details, type and time of submission of your report.

What you can include in your report?

Some Ideas of what  you can include in your report:

1) Matters which affect the running of the tuckshop including information concerning latest products available, and price changes.

2) Equipment or repairs required.

3) Security concerns on the premises

4) Short, medium and long term goals for tuckshop improvement

Report to P&C via email

Wiki Tool currently under construction


You will soon be able to contact and share your ideas with  the P&C via wiki

Images retrieved from:

Voisin, S. & Fatfree Vegan Recipes. (2005).Retrieved April 15, 2009, from http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2005/12/recipe-index.html