On this page you will find the Queensland Government sample, Healthy Schools menu plan, it provides an 'ideal' menu for your tuckshop to work towards and build on as you can.  Additional information includes a printable menu and links to further menu planning sites.

Queensland Government Healthy Schools Menu


Breakfast cereal served with reduced fat milk
Reduced fat milks/soy drinks
Small fruit juice
Fresh fruit in season
Reduced fat yoghurts
Fruit bread/buns – toasted
Breakfast bars


Reduced fat milks (plain and flavoured)
Reduced fat soy drinks
100% fruit juices (small)
Fruit smoothies (as a special)

Milkshakes (reduced fat)
Drinking yoghurt

Sandwiches/rolls/wraps (available everyday)

Sandwiches/rolls/wraps (available every day)
Maxi salad boxes
Cheese and tomato
Egg/Egg and Lettuce
Baked Beans/Spaghetti
Ham with hummus and tabouleh
Roast chicken

Roast beef and salad
Tuna and salad
Tandoori chicken and salad
Toasted jaffles/focaccias
Filings including savoury mince, reduced fat cheese, ham etc.

Hot Food

Hot foods
Hot foods (reduced fat varieties)
Hot cheese rolls/hot chicken rolls
– Grilled chicken burger
– Beef burger
– Fish burger
– Lentil burger
– Felafel burger
– all served with salad
Meat pies
Vegetable pies
Hot noodle cups
Stir fried noodles with meat and/or vegetables
Fried rice
Baked potatoes, savoury mince and salad
Soup of the day served with crusty bread
Burritos with savoury mince and salad

It's snack Time!

Small fruit muffins
Fruit salad tubs
Fruit buns
Popcorn – plain and flavoured
Dried fruit packs
Canned fruits
Reduced fat yoghurt
Reduced fat custard
Cereal-based bars
Scones (plain and fruit)
Muffin melts (ham, cheese and pineapple)
Hot cheese rolls
Subs with savoury toppings
Mini Salad bags

Something Sweet

Ice-creams and iceblocks
Ice-cream tubs (reduced fat)
Milk-based ice confection (reduced fat)
Dairy snacks (reduced fat)
Frozen fruit juice
Fruit juice-based iceblocks

Printable menu

The current menu in an A4 word format that can be updated and printed as required.

File Size: 44 kb
File Type: docx
Download File

New menu ideas


Use this above link to the SustainWeb site for access to a range of other menu ideas.

Tuckshop menu template

Follow this link to take you to the Queensland State Government menu template.

Images retrieved from:

Voisin, S. & Fatfree Vegan Recipes. (2005).Retrieved April 15, 2009, from http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2005/12/recipe-index.html