Managing Promotions

Once a healthy Smart Choices tuck shop menu has been planned, it is important to make sure students, teachers and parents know what is available for sale and are encouraged to buy it. Marketing and promotion of the new menu will assist in this process. Both are very important aspects of running a successful Smart Choices tuck shop. Marketing has been defined as a planned process that brings together buyers and sellers at a profit.Marketing is getting the right product in the right to attract customers who will buy.

To market the tuck shop and the foods for sale, an understanding of the lifestyles, ideas, interests and the fads of students is important. The student council is well placed to carry out surveys of students to find out this kind of information for the committee.They could find out about some or all of the following:• How well are certain products being received by the tuck shop’s customers?• Do students believe the products are good value for money?• Do the students know about the product?• Are the students satisfied with the tuck shop service?This information can be used to select products and put pricing and promotional strategies in place.

                            For a complete version click here

Products for Sale in School Tuckshops

Products for sale in school tuck shops should meet the Smart Choices strategy requirements. There are many examples of the types of foods and drinks that can be made available for sale in the school tuck shop.  Refer to page 40, section 5 in the Food Management document above for an exhaustive list.

Why do you wish to use a survey?

Surveys are useful for:

·        Finding out what the students of your school like to eat.

·        What the students of your school think of your products.

·        What the parent community think about the food available at the tuckshop.

·        What kinds of products the parent community would like to see available at your tuckshop.

·        What kind of support parents in the school community are able to give to the tuckshop

·   Marketing trends

Useful Information On Surveys

Useful information on survey production can be sourced at:

Sustain web
(a comprehensive information bank on setting up a survey)

Marketing Surveys

(tips on how to market surveys)

Two useful tools that allow you to create surveys online include

Survey monkey

The above listed websites have a range of available information pages for you to browse through. Once you have looked at the information on this site you may wish to create your own Survey.  There are many free survey tools available on the Internet.  

Creating interesting activities for students' lunch orders

Are you looking for some interesting activities to add to the students’ lunch orders or simply wanting to support the classroom teachers program???The following sites may be of interest to you! They are free easy to use sites where you can create activities for students, parents or teachers. Why not have a go and see what you can do!!!!

Quiz sites



Puzzle sites


Crossword puzzle maker

Word search sites

Fun brain

There are a lot of other sites available.  If you would like to find some more use a search engine (such as google) and type in the key words above.

Images retrieved from:

Voisin, S. & Fatfree Vegan Recipes. (2005).Retrieved April 15, 2009, from